If you are an administrator, check out the administrators guide.
Create an account on MobileServe
You can download the app directly from the App Store or Google Play. You can also access the web app from any Internet connected device at: app.mobileserve.org. To create a new profile:
Click the “Sign Up” button on the “Login” Screen.
Enter your name, email address, and create a password.
Affiliate with your organization via the org code provided by your administrator, or skip this step to not affiliate with an organization.
Upload your profile picture and start logging hours.
If you are accessing the app with an email invitation:
- Click the link in your invitation email.
- Create a password for your account.
- Click "Join" when prompted to join your organization.
- Upload your profile picture and start logging hours.
Join multiple organizations
You can belong to more than one organization/sub organization, and when you log your time you’ll be able to choose which organization(s) you want to report it to. If you’re already part of an organization, here’s how to add an additional org to your account:
- Go to Settings (gear icon next to your name)
- At the top of the page click Organization, then click “Join Organization”
- On the following page enter the code and wait for the organization to be found
- Select “Join”
Log your time
In the web app (app.mobileserve.org):
- From the home screen of your profile, click the “Log your hours” button.
- Click on the Date field to change the date, or leave it the same if you're logging your hours the same day
- Enter the number of hours of your activity (to get the decimal, simply divide your minutes served by 60)
- In the Service Org box, enter the name of the organization where you volunteered.
- Add a category for each organization you want to affiliate your time with (you can select multiple organizations). If you don’t want to affiliate with your time with an organization don’t check any of the boxes.
- Describe your experience in the “Tell Your Story” box, or if they have provided a prompt, fill in your response.
- Click "Next" to add verification methods to your log
- You have four verification options on this screen from a mobile device, three from the web (each method is optional unless it has been marked required by your organization):
- Supervisor Name and Email: Supply the name and email address of the person supervising your activity and we will send them an email requesting verification. We'll keep sending requests every 2 days for up to 30 days until they respond.
- Signature: This option is only available on Mobile. Click the field, rotate your device, and have your supervisor sign right on the screen.
- Photos: Photos are a great way to verify your activity. You can open this section and take a photo to attach or choose from your phone's library to attach photos you've taken earlier in the day.
- Attach Location: This will drop a pin on a map that will be visible to your administrators. If your location matches the address of the Service Organization provided, you will receive a Geo-Verified stamp letting your admin know the locations match.
- Once you've submitted your log, you'll have the option to share about your experience directly to your social media accounts by clicking the Facebook, LinkedIn or Share (only on Mobile) buttons.
- To check on the status of your hours once you've submitted them you can go to your Activity page to view the log, edit, or delete it.
RSVP or check - in / out of an event
In the web app (app.mobileserve.org):
- Click on the “Events” tab in the lefthand navigation menu, then click "Invitations". You’ll see all the events you’ve been invited to.
- Click on an event name and select your RSVP response. You can change your RSVP selection at any time. If an event has Time Slots, scroll down to sign up for a specific Time Slot.
- When your begins, go back to your Events page, to your "Schedule", click on the Event and then "Check-In".
- If you forget to checkout, you’ll receive an email reminder. Remember that you can click on the Check-Out time when you check out of an event to edit it to the correct time, in case you accidentally forgot to check-out at the end of the event.When you’re ready to leave the event, go to the event again in the app and select “Check out.” OR, from the home screen select “Check out of your event.”
- The next screen shows your prepopulated log details. Select a category for your organization, add any verification methods and then "Submit" your hours.
- Lastly, you'll also have the option to publish to your social channels.
Edit past log activity
- Click on the “Activity” tab in the lefthand navigation menu to see all your events.
- Click on the log you want to edit.
- Click “Edit" in the web app, or the pen and paper icon in the upper right corner on iOS.
- Make your changes and click “Update Hours.
- Keep in mind that changing the date, duration or service organization on your log will cause you to lose any signatures or email verification you've already captured.
Update your Settings
Privacy Settings
- Go to your Settings.
- Under Privacy, you can choose from public, private, or friends only.
Change your password
If you’ve forgotten it:
- From the login page, select “Forgot your password?”
- Enter your email address and you’ll receive a message with instructions to finish the reset process.
If you can log-in but want to change your password:
- Go to your Settings, select Change Password.
Change your email address
- Go to your Settings page by clicking on the gear icon.
- Select “Change” next to your email address.
Find / invite friends
This feature is able to be turned off at the organization level. If you do not see Friends in your menu, it is because it has been turned off for your organization.
- Click on the Friends tab in the lefthand navigation menu.
- Select “Find Friends”
- Choose between “Facebook” and “On MobileServe” under the search bar.
- Search
- If found on MobileServe, select “Add Friend.”
- If connected to Facebook, enter names to send invitations.